Thursday, July 4, 2024

Common Tomato Issues

One of the best parts of summer in Texas is eating a homegrown tomato. However, eating them and growing them often resemble a love hate relationship. Throughout the summer, you face the constant threat of insects, diseases, heat, or drought ruining your garden. If you are lucky enough to have perfect growing conditions, be thankful, but if you are like most of us, conditions are rarely perfect. If you have ever wondered what is causing your tomatoes to crack, this article is for you. 

Splitting and Cracking. Heavy rain, especially after a dry spell, is the main cause of fruit splitting and cracking. This damage usually occurs as tomatoes ripen, though green fruits can be affected too.

Radial Cracking.
Photo Credit: NC Cooperative Extension
Cracks and splits occur when rapid changes in soil moisture cause the fruit to expand faster than the skin can grow. There are two main patterns of this damage, vertical and circular. Vertical splits along the sides of the fruits, known as radial cracking, are the most serious and common in hot, humid weather. Circular cracks around the stem end are called concentric cracking. Green tomatoes with either type of cracking will likely rot before they ripen if left on the vine.

Concentric Cracking.
Photo Credit: NC Cooperative Extension
For both radial and concentric cracking, it is best to harvest the fruit immediately before it can begin to rot. Tomatoes with cracks are still edible and can finish ripening indoors. However, any fruit that develops a sour smell or starts to ooze should be composted or discarded. Keep in mind, fruit that ripens off the vine or during cloudy, rainy weather will be less flavorful than those that mature fully in sunny conditions.

Blossom End Rot.
Photo Credit: UC IPM Project
Blossom End Rot. Fluctuations in soil moisture levels are also the most common cause of blossom end rot, a disorder where insufficient calcium in developing fruit causes the lower end to turn tan or black. Other causes include extreme temperatures, over-fertilization, and low soil pH. If your tomatoes develop blossom end rot, remove and compost them as they will not ripen normally. If you would like to know more about your soil conditions, contact the Rains County Extension office for information on soil testing. 

Leaf Rolling. 
Photo credit: AgriLife Today

Leaf Rolling. Tomato leaves can curl for several reasons, including wet weather. Leaf curling due to wet conditions is not serious and won't damage the plants or reduce yields. Some varieties are more prone to this than others. When excessive moisture causes leaf curling, leaves curl upward from the bottom of the plant first. These leaves may take on a leathery appearance but remain green and healthy.

The best way to minimize fruit cracking, blossom end rot, and leaf curling in tomatoes is to maintain even soil moisture levels by watering during droughts. Most vegetables need about one inch of water per week. Soaker hoses and drip irrigation systems are the best methods as they apply water directly to the soil, reducing evaporation and keeping plant leaves dry, which helps prevent leaf diseases. Mulching your vegetable garden also helps keep the soil evenly moist and reduces moisture-related problems.

Rainy weather and wet soil can also lead to wilt diseases and leaf diseases like early blight. If you suspect your tomatoes have a disease or insect problem, get an accurate diagnosis before taking any action. Contact the Rains County Extension office for assistance.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me, (903) 473-4580 or email To view upcoming events or additional information please visit or follow Rains County AgriLife on Facebook.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

UV Safety in a Texas Summer

The Texas summer is here, are you ready? Summer brings the longest days giving us more time to spend outdoors having fun; from vacations, biking, and hiking, or just enjoying ice cream, watermelons, or popsicles, summer brings memories of younger days and family togetherness. As we look forward to making new memories, we can plan for a safe summer by reducing the risk of harmful effects of UV exposure. 

UV Index Chart
UV Index.

Ultraviolet light is radiation emitted naturally from the sun, but can also be man-made, an example being tanning beds. Classified in wavelengths, UVC light is blocked by the Earth’s ozone layer, but the sun’s UVA & UVB affect the skin differently with UVA causing wrinkling (premature aging) due to penetrating deeper into the skin and UVB causing sunburns. Overexposure increases risk of developing skin cancer.  Cautions are placed on the times of exposure due to UV radiation being strongest between 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

A benefit of UV radiation is Vitamin D production, which helps calcium and phosphorous to be absorbed by the body and helps in bone development. According to the World Health Organization, 5 to 15 minutes of sun exposure 2 to 3 times a week is recommended. Prolonged UV exposure can cause premature aging, cataracts, and skin cancer, not to mention painful sunburns. The most dangerous UV radiation is artificial indoor tanning. Take precautions before you head out the door for summer activities to reduce the risk of UV radiation by following some simple steps.

  • Stay in the shade: Look for shaded areas under trees or bring an umbrella or pop-up shelter, especially during peak hours. Know the EPA’s shadow rule: If your shadow is taller than you are, UV exposure is lower.  If your shadow is shorter than you, UV exposure is higher. Remember that surfaces, such as water, snow, white sand, and cement, reflect the sun’s damaging rays and can increase chances of sunburn. Cloudy days do not block the sun’s rays, which are just filtered. In higher altitudes, UV exposure is higher due to less atmosphere to absorb UV radiation.
  • Wear Protective clothing: Thanks to clothing, the skin is partially shielded from UV rays. Choose long-sleeved shirts and long pants made from tightly woven fabric. Be aware that wet clothes offer less protection than dry ones and dark colors offer more protection that light ones. To cover your face and neck, wear wide-brimmed hats.  
  • Protect the eyes: Not only do sunglasses help protect the eyes from UV rays, they also reduce cataract risk later in life. Choose UV resistant sunglasses that wrap around and block both UVA and UVB rays; polarized sunglasses just reduce glare.  
  • Use Sunscreen: Sunscreen works by absorbing, reflecting and scattering sunlight from our skin. The SPF (Sun Protection Factor) number measures how well it blocks UV rays, with higher numbers offering more protection.  Do not forget to check the expiration date, those without a date are good for three years, and less if they have been exposed to high temperatures. An SPF of at least 15, offers protection against both UVA and UVB (broad spectrum) radiation. Purchasing the right SPF sunscreen depends on what exposure you will be having fun in.  Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen twenty minutes before you head out. Reapply every two hours, after swimming, toweling off, or sweating.
  • Avoid Indoor Tanning: According to the CDC, the UV radiation from “indoor tanning significantly increases the risk of developing melanoma, basal, and squamous cell cancers.”  It also causes premature aging of the skin and suppresses the immune system. 
  • Learn about the UV Index: In as little as 15 minutes, the sun’s UV rays can cause damage to unprotected skin. Plan to check the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s UV Index by visiting to determine your favorite vacation spot’s UV radiation intensity. Rated on a scale from 1-11, suggestions are offered on to help you plan for your protection. 

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me, (903) 473-4580 or email To view upcoming events or additional information please visit or follow Rains County AgriLife on Facebook.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

June is Brain Health Awareness Month

Visit for more healthy brain habits.
June is Brain Health Awareness Month and is a great time to highlight how brain health is pivotal to our overall well-being, encompassing cognitive functioning, mental clarity, emotional balance, and the ability to perform daily tasks effectively. As the central control unit of the body, maintaining the brain's health is crucial for a vibrant, fulfilling life. Let’s explore the various facets of brain health, including its importance, factors affecting it, and strategies to enhance and preserve cognitive function.

The brain is the epicenter of our nervous system, responsible for processing sensory information, regulating bodily functions, and enabling thought, memory, and emotions. A healthy brain ensures optimal performance in these areas, contributing to better quality of life. Poor brain health can lead to cognitive decline, mental health disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Several factors influence brain health, ranging from genetics and lifestyle choices to environmental exposures and medical conditions.

  1. Genetics - Family history plays a significant role in determining susceptibility to brain-related conditions. While we cannot change our genetic makeup, understanding genetic risks can guide preventive measures.
  2. Lifestyle Choices - Diet, physical activity, sleep, and stress management are critical components of brain health.
    • Nutrition - Diets rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins support cognitive function and protect against oxidative stress. Foods like berries, fatty fish, nuts, and leafy greens are particularly beneficial.
    • Physical Activity - Regular exercise improves blood flow to the brain, promotes neurogenesis (the creation of new neurons), and enhances cognitive abilities.
    • Sleep - Quality sleep is essential for memory consolidation, toxin removal, and overall cognitive function.
    • Stress Management - Chronic stress can impair brain function and structure. Practices like mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation techniques can mitigate these effects.
  3. Environmental Factors - Exposure to pollutants, toxins, and even prolonged social isolation can negatively impact brain health. Creating a safe, stimulating environment is crucial for cognitive well-being.
  4. Medical Conditions - Conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and obesity are linked to cognitive decline. Managing these conditions through medication, lifestyle changes, and regular medical check-ups is vital.

Strategies to Enhance Brain Health

  1. Cognitive Training - Engaging in mentally stimulating activities like puzzles, reading, and learning new skills can strengthen neural connections and enhance cognitive reserve.
  2. Social Engagement - Social interaction promotes mental stimulation and emotional well-being, reducing the risk of cognitive decline.
  3. Regular Physical Exercise - Aerobic exercises, strength training, and balance exercises improve brain health by enhancing blood flow, reducing inflammation, and promoting the growth of new brain cells.
  4. Balanced Diet - Adopting a Mediterranean or DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet can provide essential nutrients for brain health. These diets emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
  5. Adequate Sleep - Establishing a regular sleep routine, creating a restful environment, and addressing sleep disorders can improve brain function and overall health.
  6. Stress Reduction - Incorporating stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can protect the brain from the detrimental effects of chronic stress.
  7. Medical Management - Regular health check-ups, managing chronic conditions, and staying up to date with vaccinations can prevent diseases that adversely affect brain health.

Maintaining brain health is a multifaceted endeavor requiring a proactive approach to lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and medical management. By understanding and implementing strategies to support cognitive function, we can enhance our mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall quality of life. Prioritizing brain health not only protects against cognitive decline but also enriches our daily experiences and long-term well-being.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me, (903) 473-4580 or email To view upcoming events or additional information please visit or follow Rains County AgriLife on Facebook.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Worksite Food Safety

 As we move closer to June, we move into National Safety Month; a month dedicated to preventing causes of workplace injury. Spending so much time in our workplace lends itself to eating, cooking, and storing food in that workplace and the cornerstone of food safety is the refrigerator. 

Improperly stored food is one of the causes of 48 million cases of food borne illness in the US each year. 128,000 of those cases lead to hospitalizations and 3,000 result in death. Keeping your worksite refrigerator clean, organized, and working properly can help keep you and your co-workers healthy. Here are a few tips to remember about your refrigerator:

  • Fridge Basics - For workplace refrigerators and those at home, a refrigerator thermometer is recommended to assure that the internal temperature stays at 40 degrees Fahrenheit (F) or lower. Food kept in between 40 degrees F and 140 degrees F for longer than two hours is no longer safe to eat. Such a rule is good to remember after parties and celebrations when large amounts are served. 
  • Proper Placement - Raw meat, poultry and fish should be kept on the bottom of the fridge to prevent any liquids from leaking and contaminating any food, but especially food that will be consumed without cooking.  
  • Cool Down Quick - Large quantities of hot food, like a pot of soup or a large cut of meat should be divided into smaller portions to cool down more efficiently, thus spending less time in the “temperature danger zone”, between 40 degrees F and 140 degrees F. Small portions of hot food can be put into the fridge and should be covered to prevent drying out and picking up odors from other foods. 
  • Check Expiration Dates - Regularly check expiration dates on perishable items and discard any that are past their prime.
  • Wipe Weekly - Finally, leftovers are only good for 3-4 days. Shared workplace refrigerators should be emptied of leftovers at least once a week. Shelves can be wiped down with a bleach solution (2 teaspoons of bleach and 16 ounces of water) or cleaning product containing bleach. If using a homemade bleach solution, let the product sit on the surface for two minutes, then wipe dry. 

The office refrigerator is a great convenience and can help add healthy options to your workday meals, but it is often overlooked as a place that can harm your health. Taking these steps can help make your lunchtime food safe and flavorful. And remember… when in doubt, throw it out! 

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me, (903) 473-4580 or email To view upcoming events or additional information please visit or follow Rains County AgriLife on Facebook.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Urine Color and Your Health

Urine is often overlooked as a diagnostic tool which can be a surprisingly informative indicator of your health. The color of your urine can reveal essential clues about your well-being. From hydration levels to potential health concerns, understanding what your urine color is trying to tell you can empower you to take proactive steps towards maintaining good health. Let's delve into the spectrum of urine colors and their potential implications:

Pale straw to transparent yellow is the ideal color for urine and indicates that you are well-hydrated. When you are drinking enough fluids, your urine becomes diluted, resulting in a light-yellow hue. Keep up the good work on staying hydrated if your urine falls into this category.

If your urine appears dark yellow or amber colored, it suggests that you may be dehydrated. This darker color occurs when your body conserves water by producing less urine. It's a sign to increase your fluid intake, particularly water, to maintain proper hydration levels.

Orange-colored urine could be attributed to various factors. It might be a sign of dehydration, but it can also indicate the presence of certain medications or foods high in beta-carotene. However, if the orange color persists and is accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain or fatigue, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional, as it could signify underlying health issues such as liver problems or bile duct obstruction.

Seeing red or pink urine can be alarming, but it's not always a cause for panic. Consuming certain foods like beets or berries can temporarily tint your urine red. However, it could also indicate the presence of blood, a condition known as hematuria. Hematuria can result from various causes, including urinary tract infections, kidney stones, or more serious conditions like kidney disease or bladder cancer. If you notice red or pink urine that isn't linked to food consumption, you should talk to a healthcare professional.

Brown urine can stem from several factors, including dehydration, liver disorders, or the breakdown of red blood cells, a condition called hemolysis. Additionally, certain medications, such as laxatives containing senna or antibiotics like metronidazole, can darken urine. However, persistent brown urine may signal a more severe underlying issue, such as liver disease or rhabdomyolysis, a condition where muscle fibers break down rapidly. Consulting a healthcare professional is advisable if you consistently observe brown-colored urine.

Green or blue urine is rare but can occur due to certain medications or foods containing dyes. It can also result from a genetic condition called familial benign hypercalcemia, where excess calcium in the body can cause the urine to appear greenish blue. However, if green or blue urine is not linked to any known dietary factors or medications, it could indicate a bacterial infection or the presence of a rare metabolic disorder. Seeking medical attention is recommended if this color persists.

Cloudy urine may not necessarily be a cause for concern, as it can result from harmless factors such as excess phosphate or urate crystals. However, it can also signal underlying infections, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney stones, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If cloudy urine is accompanied by symptoms like pain or a strong odor, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider for evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Monitoring the color of your urine can provide valuable insights into your overall health and hydration status. While changes in urine color can often be attributed to benign factors like diet or medication, persistent or unusual colors warrant medical attention. Remember, your urine color is just one piece of the puzzle, and it is essential to consider other symptoms and factors alongside it. By staying attentive to changes in urine color and seeking timely medical advice when needed, you can take proactive steps towards maintaining optimal health and well-being.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me, (903) 473-4580 or email To view upcoming events or additional information please visit or follow Rains County AgriLife on Facebook.