Thursday, August 1, 2024

Kids Kitchen Skills

If I had a dollar for every time my kids asked me what we were eating for dinner, well, I would be off on an island somewhere enjoying my millions of dollars and not writing this article. But since that does not seem to be in my cards, it is probably best to figure out a way that question doesn’t make me lose my mind! Meal planning and preparation is one of the most important life skills you can instill in your children and grandchildren. Plus, if they are comfortable in the kitchen, maybe I will hear that question a few less times. 

Food makes us feel comfortable and safe; we plan major events and family gatherings around food. So, it is not hard to see why many people see food as a love language. Engaging your children in family mealtime helps create close bonds, teaches your children about healthy eating, and teaches them about kitchen safety. Preparing meals and cooking together not only builds excitement but starts daily conversations. 

Engage your children in preparing meals with easy skills that will last a lifetime. Start with basic skills appropriate for their age and interest.  

  • For younger children, ages 2-5, make basic tasks seem important, especially since their attention span is shorter. Try tasks such as washing produce, stirring batter or dressings, measuring, pouring liquid, and cutting soft foods with a plastic knife.
  • Children 6-8 years old are always eager to help. You can practice their reading, by reading recipes together and practice simple math when measuring foods. Children in this age group can help peel fruits and vegetables, use small gadgets like a can opener, collect ingredients to make a recipe (scavenger hunt), and help decorate desserts.  
  • Older children, from 9-12 years old, can provide more assistance in preparing meals.  Basic knife skills and food safety, as well as knowing how to use appliances, should be easy for this age group. Children can help trim and slice foods, use a blender or standing mixer and sauté foods in a skillet. 
  • Teenage children, from ages 13-16, can be your personal sous chefs. Planning and preparing some easy meals should be an easy task for them. Using knife skills, such as chopping, slicing, dicing, and mincing can be completed with adult supervision. Following a recipe from beginning to end encourages independence and accomplishment. Learning how to grill on an outdoor grill can also be a new task to research and learn.    

Encouraging your children to help in the kitchen fosters life skills while also building a connection with them. It is important to always have an adult present in the kitchen, regardless of age, to keep everyone safe. Also, remember to follow good food safety practices to prevent cross contamination. You can learn more about food safety, cooking tips and tricks, and healthy recipes at

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me, (903) 473-4580 or email To view upcoming events or additional information please visit or follow Rains County AgriLife on Facebook.